Spec Magazine AD: tIM fERRISS bOOK

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*This is a spec project. I was not paid by the company to complete this task.


Tim Ferriss is a New York Times Bestseller for his critically acclaimed book, The 4-Hour Workweek.


The author needed to market a 2nd edition of The 4-Hour Workweek to clients who may or may not have read the first edition.

Prospective clients are adults ages 24-40 interested in entrepreneurship and work situations other than the standard 9-to-5 job. The new version includes additional features to assist striving entrepreneurs.

The magazine ad must effectively convey the book's benefits to those who have never read it and emphasize its new elements for those who have already purchased it.


The headline features the book title followed by the phrase “Better Than Ever Before” to immediately convey that this edition offers new features for the audience.

In the body of the ad, I incorporated similar messaging that made the first edition a success - selling clients an escape from the 9-5 job through the teachings of a successful entrepreneur.

I conclude my brief copy by promising exclusive resources that build on the teachings in the first book. First-edition readers will understand that buying the second edition is an investment in their continued growth.